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The task of the Association is to encourage and further Waldorf education, and to assist each school and teacher training center linked through it in the United States, Canada and Mexico to improve the quality of the education it offers.

Waldorf Education is a developmentally appropriate, balanced education that integrates the arts and academics for children from preschool through twelfth grade. Waldorf Education encourages the development of each child's sense of truth, beauty, and goodness; an antidote to violence, alienation, and cynicism. The aim of the education is to fully develop the capacities of each student and to inspire a love for lifelong learning.

Considering teaching? Consider Waldorf Education. As a Waldorf teacher you have the freedom to meet the needs of the children in your class while experiencing an unfolding of your own creativity in art, movement, and music. Waldorf teachers set out on a path of joyful discovery, meaningful work, and lifelong learning. There are a variety of training programs where you can receive a Waldorf teacher certification. 

Waldorf education in North America celebrates its 75th Anniversary in 2003. The Association is actively pursuing linkages with individuals and organizations who are also concerned with preserving childhood, the arts in education, the effects of media and technology on children, and the development of the whole child.



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